Racing Extinction

Racing Extinction

I saw the documentary Racing Extinction. It had a profound effect on me and prompted me to create this blog site – hence my main image from the film. It is a loud red siren that we are currently in the world’s 6th mass extinction phase – all human-caused. We have lost half of our wildlife in the past 40 years and we are at risk of losing 50% of current species by 2050. Human poaching, land loss, and climate change are the major culprits. We can ALL help to change this course but the time to act is NOW, not tomorrow. We MUST spread the word. The movie said one big way we can all help to curb climate change is by cutting out or reducing the amount of meat we eat. (I personally have been a vegetarian for about 20 years now.) That’s right – cow production is one of the top culprits causing climate change – worse than transportation. That is because methane is much more powerful than carbon dioxide. Cows release a lot of methane. And the amount of land burned and cleared for cow production is releasing carbon dioxide and killing our precious and irreplaceable rainforests. It is simply and vastly unsustainable. Please watch this imperative film and then spread the imperative word. Together, let’s protect our endangered species – now.

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” – Albert Einstein